Stepping the Wine Way


Stepping the Wine Way

Stepping the Wine Way

For those with less than a minute

Recent Visit to Wine Way: Our team visited Wine Way in Tallinn, examining their wine stocks valued at over EUR 450,000, used as collateral.

Responsible Use of Funds: Ensure that  Wine Way uses part of the invested funds accordingly.

Current Funding: Funding for Wine Way stands at €500,000.

Strategic Investment: Wine Way has strategically invested in 800 bottles of premium Bordeaux wine.

Bordeaux’s Market Stance: Bordeaux wine, a key player in the global wine industry, underscores Wine Way’s precise investment choice.

On our platform, we carefully select projects that pass our analysis, risk assessment and execution of pledges and guarantees. We look at their documents and visit them in person. We recently went to their place in Tallinn to look at their wine collection worth more than 450,000 euros, which is kept as a collateral. During our visit, we checked how the company spent some of the money invested and made sure they are using investors funds correctly.

We chose to onboard Wine Way for specific reasons. Firstly, due to the company’s business practices, demonstrating sustainable performance and the capability to generate stable revenue. It is closely aligned with our basic principle of selection in the real sector. Secondly, due to strong management and their ability to acquire and keep a great collection of wines.

Our review process is very thorough. It helps us look closely at the business structure, revenue and this particular case:  how the wine is kept, where it is stored, and how the company works. 
This visit also showed us how Wine Way plans to use the money to make its collection even better. With 500,000 euros in funding, they have already bought 800 bottles of Bordeaux wine. This not only adds to their collection but also strengthens their position in the market.

Fun fact: The wine market, especially for famous wines like Bordeaux, is very interesting because it mixes old traditions with new ideas. People want these wines not just for their taste, but also as an investment. Wines from famous places like Bordeaux can become more valuable over time, which makes them appealing to investors. Wine Way’s focus on these wines fits well with market trends and what investors want.

Maclear team