Small Steps, Significant Strides: Our Journey in P2P Lending


Small Steps, Significant Strides: Our Journey in P2P Lending

€2.5 Million Milestone 

We’ve surpassed the €2 million mark and are now approaching €3 million in funding. This achievement underscores the trust and commitment of our investors and borrowers. It fuels our drive to continue refining our platform, ensuring we lead the way in peer-to-peer lending.

Launching Our Summarized Risk Score Model

Transparency and security are crucial in peer-to-peer lending. Responding to this, we’ve launched a cutting-edge Risk Score System. This tool enhances security by evaluating the risk of each project. Now, key facts are presented and are accessible within the project details on our site, helping you to make better-informed investment decisions.

Surpassing 1,500 Investors

We’re also pleased to announce another key milestone: surpassing 1,500 investors on our platform. This growing community reflects the increasing recognition and trust in our services. Thank you for your trust and engagement as we continue to innovate and expand.

Maclear team